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May 2021

Textile trends 2022 as with any other forecasting are determined each year in prior to facilitate textile mills and companies to take inspiration for their production, based on textiles’ predicted and estimated demand. Textiles sustain the functioning and practice of many industries such as fashion, accessories and home, and their production impacts them subsequently. Last year in 2020, the textile industry suffered from

Principles of Photography, completes the composition of an image. The elements and principles come together to form a successful image and help create better and more interesting images. There are 7 principles of Photography i.e. Pattern, Balance, Negative Space, Grouping, Closure, Colour and Light/Shadow. By applying these 7 principles, Photographers can create a complete image in the foundation of art theory. Pattern Patterns makes

An interior stylist is a creative professional working in the creative fields of a TV show or a magazine. Often referred to as interior designers and interior decorators, the roles and responsibilities of an interior stylist are often misinterpreted Before we head on to understand the pathway to build a successful career as an interior stylist, let us try to grasp what an interior

Hair Damage as we all know is caused due to application of immense heat that results in hair fall and dryness. Flawless hair can still be achieved without any damage to your hair. Here are 5 essential tips for flawless with least hair damage: USE YOUR HANDS AS A GAUGE: Contrary to the popular belief, turning up the heat on your blow-dryer doesn’t