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May 2022

Need help choosing the right college and course? The number of exams you had to write, all the physics and maths formulae are no help in choosing your career? We know it’s no easy task to decide what you will be good at and what feels right for you when you have limited experience exploring your skillset. What do I do after 12th? –

Education is one of the most powerful weapons that can change the course in which the world is headed. It is one of the necessities to survive in today’s day and age. Design education in India has now taken a major focus, and is growing in demand. On the same note, as a design institute ourselves, we find immense joy and pride in

Interior designers have a way of looking at the world with a unique perspective. works with the world. Because it is a never-ending process that’s constantly evolving from creating floor plans and spatial planning while keeping in tune with the customer or the client’s every need and requirement and making it look pleasing or as imposing as the need the space to be. Being

Interior décor essentials are all about aesthetics. It’s more than picking out a matching pair of curtains and lace cushion covers. Interior décor is about selecting colour schemes, appropriate furniture layouts and artistic pieces that complement the space. Interior décor is bringing an entirely new look to your existing space. Interior décor essentials and styling techniques are as personal and varied as your #Pinterest

NFT, the term has flooded the world. Whether you are scrolling through social media platforms or reading articles over the internet, chances are high that the NFT word is somewhere popping up in between. While NFT already has its set of appreciators, many of us are still new to it. Let’s start by understanding the term! NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. The non- fungible part

Food can taste like heaven on a platter, just the thought of a dish might make you salivate and give you the painful late-night cravings. But, how do make another person know, recognise and understand the same depth of your taste buds without having to types a 1000-word essay on the pepper count in your food? Pictures. Food photography is the recent addition