Sync 2022

Sustainability, Explained!

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Sustainability is a term that 99.9% of the world’s population is aware of, but not all are aware of the true meaning and motive behind this word. The term ‘Sustainability’ is a broad discipline that provides the students of various design fields an insight into most aspects of the human world    from business, technology to environment and social sciences. 

Sustainability starts from our household, with small change comes big differences 

Sustainability, Explained!  Sustainability, Explained! Sustainability Explained 8
Sustainability, Explained!  Sustainability, Explained! Sustainability Explained 5
Sustainability, Explained!  Sustainability, Explained! Sustainability Explained 7
Sustainability, Explained!  Sustainability, Explained! Sustainability Explained 6
Sustainability, Explained!  Sustainability, Explained! Sustainability Explained 4
Sustainability, Explained!  Sustainability, Explained! Sustainability Explained 1

The most important skill with which an aspiring designer graduates, is what is highly sought after, especially in a modern world that focuses on reducing carbon emissions and finding new ways in developing technologies of the future. Sustainability is outlined from politics, economics, philosophy and other social sciences along with hard hard science. Various corporate jobs prioritize sustainable skills and environmental awareness, even at the graduate level. Hence, sustainability graduates that enter the various design fields are often trained to understand and incorporate the sustainable skills.


What Is Sustainability?

What Is Sustainability? ​  Sustainability, Explained! Sustainability Explained 3

When gone by definition, sustainability is defined as the study of how natural systems function, remain diverse and produce everything that is required for the ecology to stay in balance. It also acknowledges that human civilization draws its resources to coexist in the modern world. However, there is no more coexistence, but has changed course for the worse. There are numerous examples throughout human history that prove that we are the cause of damage to our environment and have been the cause of the various serious effects against its own survival chances. Therefore, sustainability takes into consideration how one can live in harmony with our natural environment, protecting it from any further damage and destruction.

What Is Sustainability? ​  Sustainability, Explained! Sustainability Explained 2
Nature is not a gift from the past, but is a borrowed necessity from the future

Sustainable development and sustainability aims in bringing balance between competing needs and our needs to move forward technologically and economically as well as protect our environments in which we all live. Sustainability is not just about the environment but also our health as a society to ensure that no one suffers due to the environmental legislation and it also considers the examination of long term effects and actions of humanity and asking questions on what can be improved.

Sustainability has various definitions, but one purpose – Restoring Nature. JD Design Awards 2022, aims exactly that. Through the theme – SYNC, every aspiring JEDIIIAN will focus on not only restoring the environment but also bringing the perfect harmony between human civilization and Nature herself. This can be achieved with the base knowledge of the ‘Three Pillars Of Sustainability’.