Capsule wardrobes: “Most sustainable garment is the one already in your wardrobe” 

Capsule wardrobes: “Most sustainable garment is the one already in your wardrobe”

Capsule wardrobes: “Most sustainable garment is the one already in your wardrobe” 

Capsule wardrobes are one of the most famous tidying techniques we are familiar with when it comes to sustainable wardrobes and recycling outfits.

Opening your closet, finding yourself staring at a pile of clothes and wondering to yourself that ‘I don’t have anything to wear! And end up buying more clothes. It’s a vicious cycle that we all want to break.

During this lockdown, you must have realized that less is so much more when it comes to clothes. All the unworn, low-quality clothes need to go like yesterday.

The most sustainable garment is the one already in your wardrobe.” – Orsola de Castro, actor 

This quote by the actor Orsola De Castro cues us towards a capsule wardrobe. Orsola de Castro is spearheading a global movement calling for a change in the fashion industry.

 In the 1970s, the term was coined by British fashion icon Susie Faux. So what does it exactly mean?

It basically refers to 30-40 practical pieces of clothing put together to form an entire wardrobe. It is not a new practice but with the advent of fast fashion, this is vital to change your consumption behavior towards fashion.

Narrowing down our clothing options, recycling and decluttering is the main aim of this thought process. At the end of the less goes a long way.
As per a study by the International Journal of Market Research capsule wardrobes “a positive impact of a 3-week capsule wardrobe on our participants who felt less stressed, detached from fashion trends, have found joy in their fashion style, and enhanced their awareness of conscious consumption.”

Capsule wardrobes: “Most sustainable garment is the one already in your wardrobe”

Tips to begin a capsule wardrobe:

The first step, to begin with, is to choose a selection of clothes that are versatile and basics apart from the fact that you can not do without your black tee. Pull out everything from your closet and start questioning whether:

  • Is it versatile and will go along with other clothes I own?
  • Do I still need it this year?
  • Does it fit in my work and casual closet?

With these questions, you can now decide to what let go of and what to stock. While you decide, always keep seasons and occasions in mind as well.Capsule wardrobes: “Most sustainable garment is the one already in your wardrobe”

More importantly, don’t let go of tops, bottoms, layers and accessories of neutral colors.

Gradually, you realize how much more time, energy and money you save. Not only does it let you define and understand your style but spares you the dilemma of choosing from what to wear during an important occasion. Everything you need is right there!

Capsule wardrobes: “Most sustainable garment is the one already in your wardrobe”

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