Diploma vs Degree courses in Fashion Design

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Diploma vs Degree courses in Fashion Design

Diploma vs Degree courses in Fashion Design. Which one to choose?

A decade ago, when a person was asked to chose his/her career it wasn’t much of choice for them. They had at most three options, engineering, medicine or chartered accountancy. There were only a few people who took up their passion as a career. Fashion designing was one such option, in earlier days one had to win a rebellion to study that. With the future in mind, JD Institute of Fashion Technology was established 30 years ago, anticipating the future. Fashion Design Course is a prominent career option, pursued by many in today’s age. Fashion Design Degree, as the name suggests is the art of inventing, innovating or adding beauty to clothing.

After high school, when a career in fashion is considered, two options are available, Diploma in fashion Design or Degree in Fashion Design. At JD Institute of Fashion Technology, we have designed our Diploma and Degree Programs in Fashion Design Department to the suite, freshers, professionals, and people who like to switch their careers or simply take up a new passion.

Diploma vs Degree courses in Fashion DesignHere is a look at the major differences between Diploma and Degree Fashion Design Courses:

B.Sc in Fashion Design
Long-time duration
Gives a 360o view on the subject, giving a taste of all the related areas associated with it
Considered a more formal degree

Diploma in Fashion Design
Shorter time duration
Aim is to focus on  principles and specifics
Often regarded as a certificate course

B.SC in Fashion Design Course at JD Institute of Fashion Technology is a robust course designed in a way to transform unstructured creativity of students fresh out of school into a channelled form. The course focuses on the subject but also develops interpersonal skills. It also helps develop entrepreneurship skills.
Diploma vs Degree courses in Fashion Design

Diploma in fashion design is a fast track program. It is a course developed to provide intense training and emphasizes on industry-oriented training. The diploma can be taken up for those who want to learn and make their mark in a short period.

When it comes to choosing between a degree or diploma, it can be a tough debate. Often Degree course in Fashion Design will be recommended as you get to spend more time with the subject. Degree courses statistically get people jobs instead than a diploma degree. But another way to look at it is if you are uncertain of how much time you want to invest and get a feel of what fashion design is, diplomas can be a good option.
Fashion design is an entirely skilled based spectrum of art. The real deal is in collecting all the skills of the stream and creating your design portfolio.

Passion and creativity are the keys to the fashion designing world. Degree or diploma doesn’t matter, what matters how well you use the skills acquired and made beautiful clothes. It may often happen that the society or your parents would recommend you to take up a degree course.

Weigh your options; Be it Diploma or Degree, pursuing a Fashion Design Course from a renowned institute such as JD Institute of Fashion Design which has international exchange programs, and affiliation to Bangalore University and sophisticated interactive classes with often industry veterans visiting students for guest lectures, graduation from such a college is a lifetime experience. In the end, talent is what matter and how well you execute it.

Admissions for B.SC Fashion Design Course and Diploma in Fashion Design Course are open at JD Institute of Fashion Technology. Enrol today. For details visit website here

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