Quarantine dressing: 5 essentials that changed our style during lockdown

Quarantine dressing: 5 essentials that changed our style during lockdown
Fashion Design

Quarantine dressing: 5 essentials that changed our style during lockdown

The quarantine has thought us a lot and more importantly how to stay safe and dress comfortably. Having spent so much time at home, we have skipped wearing work outfits and LBDs for a night out with friends.

Cozy loungewear and face masks were our favorites apart from other around-the-house alternatives. Here are five essentials that turned our definition of fashion and comfort during this pandemic.

1. LoungewearQuarantine dressing: 5 essentials that changed our style during lockdown

This is definitely the official stay-at-home outfit. Joggers, track pants, hoodies, relaxed pants and pajamas qualified as our favorite loungewear. Clearly for a long time this style is here to stay.

2. ActivewearQuarantine dressing: 5 essentials that changed our style during lockdown

Home workouts and virtual classes were popular to keep one mentally and physically fit. Activewear was our favorite when it came to sweating it out at home. Again comfort was the main factor here even when it came to staying fit.

3. Face masksQuarantine dressing: 5 essentials that changed our style during lockdown

Keep it on stylish or not. Face masks were a must for this pandemic as the world was reeling under the deadly coronavirus. While fashionistas gave it a twist, many kept it on irrespective of the style statement.

4. PajamasQuarantine dressing: 5 essentials that changed our style during lockdown

Gone are the days when PJs were all about sleeping but now they are qualified as daily loungewear at home, Zoom calls and even for award ceremonies. Yes, Jennifer Aniston did it.

5. ‘Zoom’ topsQuarantine dressing: 5 essentials that changed our style during lockdown

With endless video meetings, we have aced the game of wearing outfits apt for Zoom calls. Polished blouses and breezy shirts were everyone’s favorite. Not only was it comfortable but a stylish choice for many. Having said that the tops went well with the pajamas because it didn’t really matter.

Quarantine dressing: 5 essentials that changed our style during lockdown

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