Skin Care Routine for Spring Season

Skin Care Routine for Spring Season

Skin Care Routine for Spring Season

Are you an avid Instagram user? If yes, then you must have recently seen the rise in the skin care routine, the constant share of celebrities and dermatologists, along with brands with their targeted ads. All this hints at one thing, our attention towards skin care. But like every aspect of our lives as the season changes, skin care routine should also alter. Hence, spring season calls for a totally different attention for skin compared to winter.

According to Chionophiles/winter lovers, the season is about pristine weather that allures every soul. Short days, long nights, low humidity, chilly winds that call for layering to keep oneself warm, what else can you ask for!

But the repercussions our skin faces is worth some tears. Dry skin, chapped lips, irritation and more. However, we fight all this with heavy moisturizers. But can we do the same for the springtime? 

The answer is No! Spring is a pleasant time of the year but brings allergies, slight tanning, beginning of acne outbursts and some other issues that need special care.  

Having said that, today we will talk about the itsy bitsy changes that we all should make to celebrate the arrival of Spring with healthy skin.

Keep your body hydrated

As dryness leaves us, the hydration regime for skin should not stop. Be it whatever season,  hydration is a must. Consume plenty of water and stay nourished from within. Adequate water intake not only promises healthy digestion but also clean, glowy skin. It protects our skin from being dry and harsh. Along with water also opt for seasonal vegetables and fruits of high water content in your diet and glow!Skin Care Routine for Spring Season

Change the products you use on your skin

It would be a novice attitude to reiterate that winter calls for oil based soaps and thick moisturizers. But as spring season enters, switch to a gentle soap bar and a light, water-based moisturizer that doesn’t clog your pores. Moreover, it’s a misconception that only the face has to be taken care of. Use light moisturizing lotions for your entire body.

P.S.- If you are switching to new products, do take a patch test and then go for it. We know those ads look lucrative but we each have different skin and hence you never know what product can go down south. Skin Care Routine for Spring Season

Remove dead skin

Dead skin is a major problem that we all face during the dry spells of winters. Hence, as we step into the spring season, let’s start with gentle exfoliation. Exfoliation brings a new layer of skin, a gentle glow and unclogs the pore.  Skin Care Routine for Spring Season 3

Usage of the right products

Your skin always calls for the usage of the right product. Be it winter or the spring season, use what suits you the best. Do not give into the products by receiving the reviews from others. It is advisable to rely on your skin care products that give you the desired results.Skin Care Routine for Spring Season

Whenever the season change occurs, our skin goes through a change and tries to tolerate the weather with maximum effort. Be it the increased perspiration during the summer times or the oil secretion during the winter season, skin goes through a significant change and hence we should align our skin care routine accordingly. 

Now as the spring season is arriving, our skin care routine will take the shift as we brace ourselves for the hot scorching sun.  

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