The Ultimate Event Planning Guide: How to Plan a Successful Event

Event Management

The Ultimate Event Planning Guide: How to Plan a Successful Event

In this event planning guide, we’ve curated those steps into an event planning checklist to help you keep on track for a successful event.

Whether arranging a large conference of speakers, a social gathering, or even a small meeting at work- this guide will help you understand the basics of how to plan an event. To say the least, thorough planning is the best way to ensure an amazing event that runs smoothly!

A good plan addresses details such as the budget and venue, alongside casting light upon décor, catering, and day of the event logistics. Though, depending on the event type, tons of things will vary, there are specific steps that you can count on.

Step By Step Event Planning Guide

An event plan defines every element that goes into organising and executing an event. It encompasses tasks at all stages of the event cycle, such as pre-planning, event marketing, venue searching, branding, and so on.

So, without further ado, here’s a breakdown of the most important event planning steps that you can follow to organise any event.

Determine the Goals and Objectives of the Event

All events are organised with a purpose or a clearly defined outcome.

Understanding the specific aim of your event can help you ensure that every aspect of planning is optimised for success. Ask yourself: Why are you organising this event, and what do you plan to achieve? Is it to raise money for a charity or awareness for a social cause? Or is it to launch a product or educate?

Whatever your goal is, planning lays the groundwork for your event and helps you decide on specific variables such as venue, duration, décor, etc.

Lock in the Budget of the Event

One of the most essential aspects of the event planning process is the budget. Your goal and purpose define the event from a visionary point. But when it drops down to execution, the real outcome depends on your event budget. As a result, some of the critical expenses that you must consider in your budget are

  • Venue
  • Food and Drink
  • Entertainment
  • Videographers and Photographers
  • Event Staff
  • Marketing

Assemble your Team

Unless you’re planning a pretty small event, you’re going to need a helping hand. And, in most cases, quite a few sets of helping hands!

The Ultimate Event Planning Guide How to Plan a Successful Event (2)Source: Unsplash

As the event planner or organiser, it’s up to you to only assemble a good team but also to ensure that all wheels are spinning in the right way. The best way to do so is to assign a key event manager as well as individual leads for the given subcommittees:

  • Venue management
  • Responsible for speakers & guests
  • Food and drinks
  • Marketing
  • Volunteer management
  • Entertainment
  • Handling decoration
  • Accounting committee

Having team leaders will allow you to delegate and prevent tasks from falling to the downside.

Pick out the Date

Source: Pexels

It’s an important thing in event management steps to finalise your date in the pre-planning phase so that you can book the venue and the entertainment as well as catering services in advance. Be sure to consider the following before picking out a date:

  • Give yourself and your team enough time to plan. Ideally, you should give four to five months to plan.
  • Be aware of festivals or statutory holidays as well as other events.
  • Avoid school breaks such as winter or summer holidays.
  • Confirm the date with participants and guests such as speakers, presenters, VIP guests, etc.
  • Check the weather specifically if you’re organising the event outdoors.

Choose the Venue and Decor

The Ultimate Event Planning Guide How to Plan a Successful Event (6)Source: Unsplash

Once you have nailed down the date, it’s time to search for the venue straightaway. Select a setting that aligns with your event’s purpose. For instance, if your event aims to raise awareness for a child’s cause, you could plan activities in a local park or children’s centre.

More specifically, you must consider the given factors before picking out a venue:

  • Size: Take note of how many people you’re hosting when you assess the venue in person. Additionally, consider if it holds extra space for guest rest or smaller activities.
  • Parking: Your venue must have a parking space for guests to use that you can specify in invitations and advertisements to increase attendance.
  • Accessibility: It’s also essential to choose a venue that has accessible entrances and elevators as well as restrooms.
  • Inclusivity: To limit the number of vendors, consider a venue that includes food and photography.

Find Vendors for the Event

Vendors are those businesses that will help support your event. The type of event you’re organising will shed clarity on the third-party help you will need. For example, you might need to hire a private security firm if you are planning a networking event with high-profile guests to ensure their safety. You might also need to find a local florist to provide decorations for your function.

Establish a Plan for Marketing

Even with the most prominent speakers or interesting entertainment line-ups, you’ll need to get the word out to generate excitement and acquire more audience for the event. This is where a strong event marketing strategy comes into play.

Even so, there’s no one-size fits all approach here. Some events will benefit from a strategy relying heavily on social media and print advertising, such as industry conferences or trade shows. In contrast, some events may benefit more from a strategy based on local SEO or small partnerships, such as the weekly farmer’s market.

Define the Schedule of the D-Day

The last thing that you must do is establish the schedule for the event day. If you’re having a conference or a seminar with more than one presenter, determine the order and time slots – don’t forget to include breaks as well. This way, you can provide guests with important information beforehand and help them prepare for the same comfortably.The Ultimate Event Planning Guide How to Plan a Successful Event (5)Source: Pexels

For events with multiple segments or activities happening simultaneously (such as a convention), you can take the help of scheduling software to keep an eye on what’s happening in various areas at different hours.

Event Planning Guide Checklist

You must be cleared now with how to organise an event. Here’s a quick event management checklist that informs you about the few-last minute details you must remember.

  • Ensure all A/V equipment is set up and working properly
  • Make certain that all media equipment, gifts, trophies, and plaques are on-site
  • Check the registration table and media place are ready with essentials
  • Walk around the venue and see if signage is in place
  • Confirm media attendance

The Ultimate Event Planning Guide How to Plan a Successful Event (2)Source: Pexels

Wrapping it Up

We get it – event planning can certainly feel challenging with layers upon layers of details involved. But once you get the hang of it, organising an event is no rocket science. And if you follow the event planning guide shared, the whole thing becomes a breeze.

Above all, with the JD School of Design’s Diploma in Event Management, you can acquaint yourself with the ins and outs of event planning to carve a successful career graph in the field.