Customised Jewellery – Adding Sentimental Value to jewellery

Customised Jewellery – Adding Sentimental Value to jewellery
Jewellery Design

Customised Jewellery – Adding Sentimental Value to jewellery

Customised jewellery is a personalised form of jewellery. Most custom-designed jewellery pieces celebrate a special person or event, thus, the design of the jewellery carries a special meaning for both the creator and the wearer.

Customised Jewellery – Adding Sentimental Value to jewellery
Customised jewellery for special occasions

A custom-designed jewel can be personalised by incorporating a special gemstone, colour or motif which has special meaning for the wearer. Often, the simplest design carries the deepest meaning. Brooches and pendants are fine examples of jewellery pieces that have been designed to consist of miniature portraits of loved ones and special places. Sometimes the portraits are prominently painted, enamelled or etched on the surface of the jewel; other times they are hidden in a secret compartment!

Customised Jewellery – Adding Sentimental Value to jewellery
Customised pendant

A style known as “acrostic jewellery” too is popular. In acrostic jewellery a phrase or name is “spelled out” using the first letters of the names of gemstones. For eg. a ring, set with stones – Jadeite, Uvarovite garnet, Diamond and Iolite – would signify “Judi”.

Customised Jewellery – Adding Sentimental Value to jewellery
Acrostic Jewellery – Brooch

While designing a customised jewellery, there are few important guidelines one should follow:

  1. Time is of essence here. While designing a customised jewellery the jewellery designer should have enough time to create a jewel which will be truly special and of lasting beauty. A custom jewel whose design is rushed or compromised will often have rough edges and look incomplete.

    Customised Jewellery – Adding Sentimental Value to jewellery
    No rush
  2. Sit with the Client to understand the occasion, idea, intent and significance of the jewellery for the wearer and the giver. Do a thorough search for jewellery design ideas and inspiration. The idea of the Client should translate into the final output.

    Customised Jewellery – Adding Sentimental Value to jewellery
    Listen to your clients
  3. The custom jewellery design should be a statement of the personal tastes and life style of the Client/wearer. Since it is a customised jewellery design, the jewellery designer should work in conjunction with the Client and not try to work from a catalogue of commercial jewellery designs.

    Customised Jewellery – Adding Sentimental Value to jewellery
    Customised jewellery to create a statement

Customised jewellery designing helps to translate ideas and sentiments into a truly unique jewel inspired with personal meanings. Apart from jewellery designing, aspirants must be able to empathise with their Clients requirements. Enroll in 3 years BSc. in Jewellery Design at one of the best jewellery designing institutes in Cochin.

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