Gold Hallmarking – What is it and is it important?

Interior Design

Gold Hallmarking – What is it and is it important?

Gold hallmarking – what is it? Hallmarking refers to the stamp of purity or authenticity assigned to something. Gold Hallmarking refers to providing a stamp to gold alongwith its purity to ensure the maintenance of transparency of jewellers as well as to the benefit of the buyer.

The Government of India initiated the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to make hallmarking necessary for fine gold jewellery to ensure trust and reliability in the jeweller. Gold hallmarking is done by BIS in India. The BIS Hallmarking of India has been aligned to match the International criteria on hallmarking. According to this scheme, “Registered” is granted to the jewellers by BIS under Hallmarking Scheme. This lets certified jewellers to get their jewellery hallmarked from any of the BIS recognized Assaying and Hallmarking Centres.

Gold Hallmarking – What is it and is it important?
Bureau of Indian Standards logo

How to identify if the jewellery is hallmarked? The first thing one must observe is that gold hallmarking is inscribed on the jewellery and does not come as a separate certificate. In order to check if the jewellery is hallmarked or not, need to look for four inscriptions namely the triangular BIS logo, Gold Purity (995, 750, 583), Assay Centre Name and the Jeweller’s Identification Mark. Hallmarking is not done for the gemstone, it is ideally done for the metal. Hence, all jewellery made of gold must be hallmarked.

Gold Hallmarking – What is it and is it important?
Check for Hallmark before buying Gold

According to the new Hallmarking rule, Hallmarking is made mandatory by the Government of India to guarantee the reliability of a jeweller. At present there are only a number of gold purities that are allowed for hallmarking i.e. 14K, 18K and 22K. It is expected that certain purities (like 20K, 23K and 24K) will be added to this existing list in due course of time. If feasible, by the jeweller, old gold, diamond and gemstone jewellery can be hallmarked in its original form, or even after melting and making new jewellery. Non-hallmarked jewellery can be sold to a jeweller or it can be exchanged for any other hallmarked jewellery. However, it is important to know that a jeweller is not allowed to sell it again.

Gold Hallmarking – What is it and is it important?
Hallmarking is mandatory

Gold hallmarking and its importance, where to get it hallmarked, number of purities that are allowed to hallmark is information that aspiring jewellery designing students should read up to gain knowledge. Learn about terms and nuances of everything that forms the construct of the jewellery industry by enrolling in the 1-year Diploma in Fine Jewellery Design course offered at one of the best jewellery design colleges in Bangalore.

Gold Hallmarking – What is it and is it important?