Industry Visit – Radhamani Textiles Pvt Ltd.

Industry Visit – Radhamani Textiles Pvt Ltd (4)
Bangalore Students ActivitiesStudent Activities

Industry Visit – Radhamani Textiles Pvt Ltd.

Industry Visit – Radhamani Textiles Pvt Ltd.

The fashion design batch of JD Institute of Fashion Technology visited Radhamani Textiles Pvt. Ltd. as a part of their industrial visit. They manufacture men’s shirts for brands like Pepe, Mango Man, Desigual and other European buyers. Poe and Rare Rabbit are their own in-house brands. The plant has an output capacity of 4000 shirts per day and employs around 1500 employees.

Mr. Sibu, the GM for Radhamani textiles was kind enough to give the students and their mentor Ms. Vrushali, a tour of the whole assembly line – right from the fabric reception area, fabric inspection – automated and manual, pattern making – fully automated through cad, fabric laying – manual and automatic both, fabric cutting – manual and automatic both, then the whole assembly line – some dedicated to specific brands and others specific to shirt parts. They were also provided with a tour of the washing area, ironing and packaging and labelling department – post assembly.

Students also interviewed the CAD professionals and other specialists working in their field of expertise for over 10 years. All in all, it was a wonderful learning experience for the students, as it provided the opportunity to encounter behind the scenes of apparel manufacturing/ merchandising for brands.

Mr. Mukesh Potdar, one of the owners of Radhamani Textiles, was gracious enough to join the students later for a group picture.

Industry Visit - Radhamani Textiles Pvt Ltd.

Industry Visit - Radhamani Textiles Pvt Ltd.

Industry Visit - Radhamani Textiles Pvt Ltd.

Industry Visit - Radhamani Textiles Pvt Ltd.


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