Redo-Nymph – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017 – Cochin
20/09/2017 2020-03-12 8:44Redo-Nymph – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017 – Cochin

Redo-Nymph – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017 – Cochin
Redo-Nymph – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017 – Cochin
Collection Name: Redo-Nymph
Students Names: Jijo Thomas , Niyasudheen P, Sulfiya Majeed
Redo-nymph is a dramatic collection based on the story of a curvaceous mermaid who transforms into a vampire after sunset. Emphasizing on sustainability, rexin is recycled from seat covers and used as one of the components. Reusing CDs to reduce the impact of e-waste on the environment, as cutwork embellishments is another way of promoting sustainability. Feathers are also used, which are sourced from the poultry farm and naturally dyed to portray sunset hues. The texture is inspired by the gills of the mermaid. Flow fabrics are used to depict the mobility of mermaids. The collection is surreal, experimental and magical.
#iamworld #iamearth #futureorigins #sustainable #ethical #innovation #jdada2017 #jdannualdesignawards #jdinstituteoffashiontechnology #jdinstitutebangalore #fashion #design #runway #graduateshow
Redo-Nymph – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017…!