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Facebook JD Design Institute:  Infrastructure Excellence in Design Education Exploring the field of design education, JD Design Institute is a model of excellence due to its unwavering dedication to providing top-notch infrastructure and encouraging students' holistic development. The world of fashion is constantly evolving, with new concepts and design components appearing with each passing season. Our fashion design school prepares its students to meet the ever-increasing

Why is On Campus learning important, when we get the same education from the comfort of our couch. The endless ambiguity in the educational system across the globe and the whole generation of change brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic has left us with a plethora of choices that might not have been possible for much longer. The sudden shift towards virtual classrooms and

You #googled best fashion design course because you just realised it’s a flourishing trillion-dollar industry that makes seismic shifts in the wall street, with a slash on a fabric and there’s more to it than a tutorial and a tailoring machine. Here’s the catch. There are more courses on Fashion Designing than the curves, seams and stitches on the store-bought top you wear