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An ‘Interior Styling Essentials’ workshop was conducted by Ms. Rashmi Venkatesan, Assistant Professor - Interior Design Department on 10th December 2023 at the JD campus for aspiring design students. The workshop delved into the art of transforming spaces. The comprehensive 3-hour exploration, became a catalyst for unleashing creativity and equipping aspiring interior designers with indispensable skills. The workshop aimed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge

Bathroom flooring needs attention and detail because you need to nail it right the first time or it is a tedious hassle to get through repairs and renovation that never fixes it right. In all other parts of the home, choosing floor options mainly comes down to appearance than function. You need your living room, dining room, bedroom, or office flooring to look great; functionality does not

Recycling clothing is not an unknown concept in the fashion industry. But the concept of converting doormats to shirts, is impressively new. Thousands of doormats made from hundreds of meters of fabrics are burnt and go up in smoke in South Africa. On seeing this, designer Valentine Rob decided to create Akho, a brand that aims to create timeless clothes made with all