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October 2021

Chapped lips can ruin your perfect makeup look. Here’s how you can treat it. UV rays, smoking, caffeine, hormonal imbalance, and other factors can lead to dryness and chapped lips. No matter what the trigger, you can always work on treating your chapped and dried lips with a handful of natural ingredients right off your kitchen counter. Here are five natural remedies that could help you

Street style is fashion that patents from unconventional areas rather than the mainstream apparel industry , often emerging from subculture and concrete areas. Street style has taken a replacement form as time passes by thereby becoming more ubiquitous and predominant in society than before. However, most of the people don't have street style came to realize recognition and recognition . Thus, most of

Natural hair dyes are growing to be a popular choice of people for hair coloring. The reasons for this are pretty obvious. With the pandemic having created enough havoc, to begin with, we are made to pull the plug on regular visits to your favorite beauty spa and salon. Hair coloring at home is the next best option. Using natural hair dyes comes with

Textiles is the major and base of the style industry, with which the industry runs. the style industry is additionally one among the most important polluters of the planet , and therefore the major cause for landfills. Textiles are utilized in everything that we use, from our clothing up to the accessories that we use to embellish our vehicles. Although textiles are a serious

Upholstery fabric is the art of providing furniture with cushions and layers of padding. Upholstery fabric is a significant part of interior design and decoration. Upholstery is what gives a furnished look to furniture. Upholstery fabric is an essential component of sofas, chairs and other furniture in the interiors of space. What determines the perfect sofa experience? A soft cushion that manages to release

Color treated hair is more prone to damage than non-dyed hair. Getting hair colored is everyone’s dream at some point in life. After flipping through a dozen blogs on the internet and asking another dozen people regarding which hair color suits you the most, let’s say you have got your hair colored. Now that you have color-treated hair, it is vital to protect your