Convocation Ceremony 2021: JEDIIAN’s Moment Of Pride
25/10/2021 2023-10-30 18:04Convocation Ceremony 2021: JEDIIAN’s Moment Of Pride
Convocation ceremony 2021 at JD Institute of Fashion Technology Bengaluru was held on the 7th of October at the Rotary Club. The convocation ceremony was a day of joy and pride, as 200 JEDIIIANs had achieved the first step to their dream. The ceremony was organised keeping in mind all COVID protocols, therefore, parents weren’t a part of the day. Although, the event was live streamed for an extended audience.
The ceremony began with the JEDIIIANs moving to the rhythm of Makeba as they entered the venue as a way of showing and celebrating their biggest achievement yet. The event as hosted by Ms. Sanvi and Ms.Snigdha who began by welcoming the students and chief guests of the event followed by the lighting of the lamp, as an auspicious and traditional start to a solemn occasion. Mr. Nealesh Dalal, Managing Trustee of the institute along with Ms. Sandra Anges Sequeira the Direct of South; Mr. Pramod Adhikari the Chief Mentor of South; Mr. Candrashekar the Dean; and Mr. Zulfi Ali, the Academic Head South, was invited to light the lamp and begin the ceremony.
Ms. Sanvi, then requested our Managing Trustee Mr Nealesh to speak a few words addressing the JEDIIIANs preparing them for the world beyond the institute and college life. Followed by Ms. Sandra who shared a warming and encouraging speech uplifting the future designers of the industry. Mr. Pramod was also invited to share his experience and shower upon our students the importance of knowledge and skill in the industry today.
The ceremony was then followed by the main event of handing over the certificate of course completion to the students of the graduating batches. The certificates were handed over to the students by our chief guests.
After all the students were facilitated with their course completion certificates, the oath taking ceremony was held. The students were asked to rise to their feets, and recite the oath after Ms. Snigdha.
As an addition to the solemn occasion, the institute organised a video footage celebrating the students’ journey in their years at the campus, with their mentors and faculties.The occasion was then ended with class photographs, of every batch with the chief guests, and the respective department teaching faculties.
Convocation ceremonies are a commemoration of a journey that comes to an end, yet a celebration to a new beginning. A new phase of life, that every student is molded and prepared for. At JD Institute, every student is molded, shaped, and prepared for a word beyond the walls of the institute. To face the difficulties and be the change to a greener future. As this journey comes to an end, despite the ongoing pandemic and challenges that the industries face, JEDIIIANs march towards the future, with their heads held high as the institute bids their goodbyes.