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April 2024

Do you ever imagine why some interior spaces have an impactful presence while others just look dud? Although several elements come together to develop the aesthetics of a space, colours can make or break the outcome. The right usage of colors for interior design can change the perception of interior spaces for the viewer. Colours can significantly change the spatial experience of a space

History of Indian Jewellery: Elaborated History of Indian jewellery dates back to the year in the world of jewellery. It is timeless and has a cultural significance. Indian jewellery has always been in the eyes of the world, be it travellers or invaders.   before we enter into the realms of british raj, Indian jewellery has always been the most attractive part of Indian culture.

A brand is a unique identity of a business that sets it apart in today’s market. A brand plan shapes people's impression of the company’s products or services. In the present decade, building unique brand images and marketing through it is all the buzz in business. It includes not just creating a logo or value but planning all marketing actions and strategies in

Every famous fashion brand was started by a lone, passionate artist with a vision. If you want to translate your love for fashion into a thriving business, you may wonder how to start a fashion brand. The fashion business is competitive but incredibly rewarding; a lot of hard work and dedication goes into turning an idea into a tangible business, from conceptual development

If your mind is bubbling with fashion ideas and inspiration, it is time to jot them all down in a creative space. Well, what’s better than a mood board for this? Collect everything that catches your eye, mix, match, combine, and dwell into creative fashion design with endless personal mood board ideas. But first, you may want to know how to create a

Every designer has brilliant ideas; perhaps so brilliant that they can’t control the urge to show them off to the world. But these ideas need to be introduced to potential clients concisely and comprehensively. This is where design proposal comes into the picture. This guide will help you learn how to write a design proposal. With all your ideas, concepts, and plans, it could

So, you have completed your degree in fashion! However, you may find the idea of restricting yourself to one firm and one field unappealing. Instead, you could explore the industry opportunities by undertaking gigs as a fashion freelancer. But let’s deconstruct the word freelancer first. A freelancer is not a long-term hire by a single employer. So, a fashion freelancer could be a person

Fashion designers have always been a visible representation of society. They catch the moment and promote creative thinking and self-expression. Throughout history, some fashion designers have become pioneers who changed the way we dress and transformed fashion itself. From timelessly elegant Coco Chanel to innovatively eccentric  Karl Lagerfeld, this article will explore the lives and legacies of 10 legendary fashion designers who have fascinated