Fashion design students from ADFD 2020 batch display their Term 1 work
15/04/2021 2024-10-11 20:52Fashion design students from ADFD 2020 batch display their Term 1 work

Fashion design students from ADFD 2020 batch display their Term 1 work
Fashion design students of JD Institute of Fashion Technology, Bengaluru’s Advanced Diploma in Fashion Design (ADFD) 2020 batch presented their first term project as a jury display in the institute’s Brigade campus. The work of all the nine students was a culmination of what they had learnt, explored and experimented in their first semester. The display was open to all the students and staff of the institute and their work was evaluated by a jury panel.
Composing five modules, the students displayed their works in Foundation Art Studies, Fundamentals of Art, Material Studies, Art Appreciation and Image Making. They also presented their final group term-project in the form of two installations, which was presented by the two groups that the students were divided into.
Exploring the student’s understanding of the elements and principles of design which are proven methodologies of creating efficient design, this module enabled them to explore the theoretical and practical application of these ‘tools’ through their application in their own creative assignments.

Fundamentals of Art
Informed by their learning in Foundation Art Studies, the Foundation Art Studies module enabled students to understand the various visual techniques and tools as well as colour theory and its understanding. Their work for this module culminated in a variety of work that explored various sketching methods and mediums.

Art Appreciation
The medium introduced students to various forms of art forms and practices covering various civilisations, Western and Indian art as well as Art criticism pertaining to various global art movements. The students created a report on one art work including its criticism as well as a documentation of a craftwork based on the interaction with its craftsmen.

Material Studies
This module enabled students to develop their practice skills with relation to working with various material and translating them into 3D forms. Focusing on an understanding of the process of navigating various mediums including paper, clay, plaster of paris, and other other materials, they were able to show an understanding of the correlation between form and textures, and light and shadow. The students also produced their concepts on biomimicry.

Image Making
Designed to create visual content to communicate information and messages, students explored various media-related iterations and showcased their understanding of the fundamental importance of creating a visual vocabulary through drawing, the development of aesthetic judgment, values of form, proportion, image and word.

Term Project
This group module was carried out by two groups of the students of the batch. Enabling them to explore the collaborative potential of design, the groups created two live-size installations that explore design in a holistic way, that is through the exploration of its interaction with the five senses. Taking ideas from origami, one group presented their work as an enclosed geometric form aimed to stimulate all the senses, while the other group created a wall display that was an amalgamation of the elements and principles of design.

Fashion design is a creative practice that enables one to explore various mediums with relation to the body. Through the term project display, the students represented their understanding of the various skills and knowledge that inform its practice which was explored in an exhaustive way. With the support of the faculties, they were able to conceive a display of design’s innovative potential through an environment that is supportive, encouraging, innovative and experimental.