Foot care: Five steps to keep your feet happy and clean at home

Foot care: Five steps to keep your feet happy and clean at home

Foot care: Five steps to keep your feet happy and clean at home

Foot care is usually taken for granted even though they take us places.  From walking to different places to wearing different footwear, our feet go through quite a bit.

With spas being shut due to nationwide lockdown, we haven’t been able to provide the right care for our feet. But to make your feet happy again you do not need expensive spas. All you need is the right care for your feet.
Foot care: Five steps to keep your feet happy and clean at home

  • It is as simple as that, wash your feet in between your toes as well. Be sure to dry feet completely, including between the toes. This wash-and-dry system reduces problems such as athlete’s foot, odor, bacteria and fungus. This is probably the best way to keep your feet away from germs and keep them fresh all the time.
  • After a long day, soak your feet with warm water and a little liquid soap containing skin softeners. This makes your feet feel clean and germ-free. It also eliminates odor.Foot care: Five steps to keep your feet happy and clean at home
  • Moisturize your foot: After you wash your feet especially during dry-skin winter months, you may want to moisturize several times a day. Nothing fancy is needed: basic lotions and creams are fine. The point is to keep your feet from getting itchy and dry.
  • Alternate your shoes: That may mean having two pairs of your favorite everyday style, but shoes need time to air out to avoid triggering foot odor or infections. Change socks or stockings more than once a day. If you suffer from smelly feet, soak them in a mixture of vinegar and water.

Foot care: Five steps to keep your feet happy and clean at home

  • Take precautions when you pedicure in a salon, where the cleanliness of tubs and instruments is vital.
  • While moisturizing your feet make sure you remove jagged skin. It is important to remove the dead skin layer with pumice stones or loofas. Remove the dirt and dead skin stuck to your feet. Hydrate it with a moisturizer and leave it overnight.
  • Pamper your feet often because they do a lot of running around for us. Leave your feet soaked in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes twice a month. This helps soften the skin. Then rub the feet mildly, dry them thoroughly and apply a Vitamin E-rich cold cream. If your feet are susceptible to infections and inflammations, use an anti-bacterial cream.

Foot care: Five steps to keep your feet happy and clean at home

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