Interaction with an International Icon – Session with Adrien Roberts

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Industry Exposure - Bangalore

Interaction with an International Icon – Session with Adrien Roberts

Interaction with an International Icon – Session with Adrien Roberts

Experimentation, reinterpretations, innovations, and an atmosphere smelling of creativity dwells among our students while they are prepping for their collection for JD Annual Design Awards 2018.Our Constant endeavour is not only to train students in design fields but also ensure that the students are exposed to people internationally from design field through various talks and visits. This time for Fashion design course and Jewellery Design course students, we had an inspirational talk by Adrien Roberts who works closely with the likes of Valentino, Fendi, Gucci. Mr Roberts was in India, visiting the top design schools, inviting the final year students to study in Rome on scholarship. JD Institute of Fashion Technology was delighted to have him in our Brigade campus, acknowledging our design students to get in touch with the aesthetics of the design.

Interaction with an International Icon

Adrien Yakimov Roberts, the director of Education at Accademia Costume and Moda, Rome, Italy, No 11 in the Best Fashion Design School around the world, Business of Fashion (BoF) and International trustee for Graduate Fashion Week UK. He is also a Fashion Designer, stylist, trendsetter and globetrotter. The session gave the JEDIIIANS few important tips on structured learning and to be a self-critique. He inspired the students that learning is an integral part of any design process and one should keep practising in their entire life. He also emphasized the objective of critical evaluation of one’s own ideas, the point of views for our students to be a change thinker.

Interaction with an International Icon

The future of fashion is in the hand of young designers. Cohesive and exciting catwalk collections need a strong idea and research. This influences the colour, cut, embellishments, materials and function of the designer’s work. Understanding the aesthetics of design and International Fashion, gave our Fashion Design Students a nudge to do an intense research and become a designer for luxury in future. The talk was also beneficial for our Jewellery design course students as he mentioned jewellery plays a major role in the form of Accessories. He encouraged our students that the world doesn’t need just a dress, they also need an accessory to enhance their style. A brief discussion was built upon how Clothes and Jewellery go hand in hand and how important is to have both coordinated on-ramp.

The session ended with Mr Adrien addressing each student individually and looking into their mood boards and research boards for their new upcoming collection in the Fashion Awards. The talk, however, was beneficial for our students as they could discuss their ideas and designs with the fashion expert and could have his inputs on it.

Interaction with an International Icon

Interaction with an International Icon

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