Internship Journey of a JEDIIIAN at Shoppers Stop

JD Shoppers Stop RPgraphy
Industry Exposure - Bangalore

Internship Journey of a JEDIIIAN at Shoppers Stop

Internship Journey of a JEDIIIAN at Shoppers Stop

A three weeks internship project is an integral part of the Fashion Designing Course at JD Institute of Fashion Technology, Bangalore. In this, I have received a good experience of doing a live project with the well-known company. The industry training exposes them not only ethics of the professional world but also grooms their design skills. It gives students a chance to apply their acquired knowledge in a true sense. I got this opportunity to take up this project with Shoppers Stop, Garuda Mall, Bangalore.

I was a part of the visual merchandising team, where I took up various sectors and worked on it. My main project was to learn entrance display, section display and mannequins was changed with various themes and colours including props and supportive element. Other than that, we went through the basic things like spacing, folding, colour coding, colour blocking, usage of props etc. We also got an opportunity to change and arrange the sections for different brands of ladies wear (for eg. BIBA, W, HAUTE CURRY, STOP, ONLY etc) and bags. The whole exercise was very exciting and challenging as it gave a completely new look at what it was initially. I also learnt several graphics for season sale that include ease board, discount board etc. Overall it was a very good experience.


Internship Journey of a JEDIIIAN at Shoppers StopInternship Journey of a JEDIIIAN at Shoppers Stop

(before and after)- To look from the view of customers, not much difference was found but when it comes to VM work, this total change is a huge satisfaction at the end. From its folding to colour blocking, from the arrangement to placements of accessories, from colour story to the props used, everything was done from VM point of view.


floor look

  • Eye level is very important.
  • Enhancing the focal point by placing them at eye level of customers so they can relate the combination.
  • Walking space or aisle within the sections is quite wide.

Accessories are displayed in coordination with respective colour stories within the section itself.


bag section

The previous scenario of bags session where they gave us to work on colour blocking and keeping it in order of brands, prices and offers.

bag section

The after picture of the bags. We arranged in order of colour blocking from light to dark as per the season (winter).

‘Colour Blocking is a very important as it is a way of making basic and nice merchandise look appealing’.

I am glad to have undergone this internship because it thought me important things and also my own interest. This internship was a wonderful experience and also taught me a lot of things in the department of visual merchandising. Contrary to my initial expectations I really enjoyed my internship as I learned many things with my both interior and industrial mentor.

This exposure helped me to expand my knowledge in the visual display and management sides of the industry. I applied various segments of knowledge I had learned before. This expanded my knowledge of visual display and inspired me to strive for similar and more challenging experiences in future.

Planning out for upcoming sale season was one of the most challenging work. During my internship period, I also got a chance to work on the sale which is a most difficult task to do. This learning opportunity has given me so many other new opportunities to grow as a student.

Thankyou Shoppers Stop for this wonderful work experience.

JD Shoppers Stop RPgraphy

JD Shoppers Stop RPgraphy

by Student: Neelofar

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