Cyclo Adori- Sync- JD Design Awards 2022

Cyclo Adori- Sync- JD Design Awards 2022
Fashion Design Bangalore JDDA - 2022

Cyclo Adori- Sync- JD Design Awards 2022

At JD Design Awards 2022, the fashion industry witnessed the collection that took inspiration from childhood memories. Riding a bicycle as a kid was very common. The fall, the speed of it and the joyous moments that are attached with cycle ride are common. Designer Ashwini R has been riding a cycle since she was 8 years old.

In the design awards, over 50 groups participated in Bangalore and designer Ashwini is one of the most intriguing of the bunch. She derived her inspiration from her childhood experience and what could be better than that? As a designer, you need to put your heart and soul in each of your designs and when you take the inspiration from your childhood, you not only give your best to the creation but also enjoy it to preserve those golden memories.

Cyclo Adori is a streetwear collection for GenZ which is inspired by cycling. The designer has used recycled inner tubes to create this collection. The cycle tire’s inner tubes were recycled and turned into rubber sheets, which was then utilized to make jackets for the garments of the collection.

The jackets are beautifully curated and are aimed to provide comfort to the wearer. Since jackets are made out of recycled tubes, the necessity to give it a breathing space became a must. The designer used her understanding to adore them with cutworks and other designs that ultimately help in providing comfort to the wearer. Ribbed cotton is used as a layering material to increase comfort.

During the process, the designer found that it is very difficult to sew the rubber sheets, which turned out to be a huge challenge to her. However, the challenges did not deter her and she presented a unique collection that effectively helps in reducing the rubber waste.


Cyclo Adori- Sync- JD Design Awards 2022


Cyclo Adori- Sync- JD Design Awards 2022

Cyclo Adori- Sync- JD Design Awards 2022

Cyclo Adori- Sync- JD Design Awards 2022

Cyclo Adori- Sync- JD Design Awards 2022

Cyclo Adori- Sync- JD Design Awards 2022

Words By: Gayathri K S
Batch: MA in Fashion Communication

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