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Hair Stylist Tag

Have you ever looked at the sheer variety of contemporary hairstyles and wondered about their origins and history? From intricate braids and updos to extensions and wigs, all hairstyles trace their roots somewhere in the past. Hairstyles throughout history have been used to convey messages about health, wealth and social status. Even today, they are used as a means of self-expression. Studying the

You must put together a fantastic hairstylist portfolio if you want to land your ideal hairstyling position. A good portfolio demonstrates to potential employers that you are prepared and capable of handling the hard work and inventiveness required for this line of employment. A generic, typed-out resume listing your qualifications and experience in hair styling simply won't do in the cutthroat hair industry. A

Hair colour over time has become more popular. The easy accessibility to colours and the decrease in overall cost, is pushing more and more people to get their dreamy colours and experiment with the hair. Taking the same route, a few weeks back I took a stroll around the hair salon. I reached the space and requested the Senior Hair Stylist to give a