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Zen Park Retreat A Tribute To Gautam Buddha (3)

Designer: M Samuel Raj

Zen Park Retreat – A Tribute To Gautam Buddha

Zen Park Retreat was presented at JD Design Awards that paid tribute to Gautam Buddha. The design was curated by Thanusha P who has pursued MSc in Interior Design from JD School of Design. Since immemorial times, people established their social activities and exchanges in the streets and squares of their community. However, over time the social use of urban space has undergone a degenerative process. As the world’s cities continue to grow, it is vital to value recreational urban spaces. Zen retreats in urban areas can play a vital role in promoting mindfulness, tranquility, and personal well-being amidst the fast-paced and stressful urban lifestyle. This practice can enhance self-awareness, clarity of mind, and the ability to respond skilfully to challenges. Overall, this space offers an invaluable opportunity for individuals to step out of the urban hustle and reconnect with themselves, nature, and a supportive community.

JDDA 2023

Photography Credits: Prem Pandora, Sundar, Vasanth

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