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Interior design Interior design is the art and science of creating functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces. It involves planning, designing, and decorating the inside of places like homes, offices, restaurants, hotels, and stores to improve the quality of life and increase productivity. An Advanced Diploma in Interior Design is a specialized program that teaches design principles and how to use them to make interior

Biophilic design in an innovative way to create natural and comfortable environments for us to live, work and learn. It unconsciously brings the great outdoors into our constructed world by consciously including a nature oriented interior design. Interior Design begins with human experience. It considers the physical, mental and emotional needs of people and uses human centred approaches to address how we live

What's in for Interior Design Students at JD Institute of Fashion Technology Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interiors of a building. Often the objective is to help achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space. Interior designers must consider the following while performing their roles: Aesthetics of the interiors Ergonomics of the interior spaces