Aspiring Designers Put Up A Grand Display

Aspiring Designers Put Up A Grand Display
Academic Exhibitions - Bangalore

Aspiring Designers Put Up A Grand Display

Every single student of design has the goal of being recognised for their work. Not only does the exposure result in constructive feedback for them, but it also contributes to their professional development as designers. The JD Institute of Fashion Technology is aware of these requirements for the continued development of the design industry as a whole. As a result, presentations and exhibitions are an essential component of the educational experience across different domains such as fashion design, interior design, jewellery design, and others.

Aspiring Designers Put Up A Grand Display


Aspiring Designers Put Up A Grand DisplayOn 1st December 2022, students who are enrolled in the Fashion Design Diploma programme at the JD Institute in Bangalore put on an exhibition of their work to demonstrate what they have learned thus far in the programme. The aspiring fashion designers of the June 2022 batch learned embroidery and its various techniques along with gaining knowledge on how to drape and shape a fabric as part of the module Textile Appreciation and Fabric Manipulation and Ornamentation.

The work garnered praise due to the fact that they were finished within a month’s time and were done neatly. The fact that the products appeared to be ready for sale filled the mentors who had assisted the students in curating the products with an overwhelming sense of pride.Aspiring Designers Put Up A Grand Display

During the display, the aspiring designers were also given feedback, which would be of great use to them as they continue to hone their abilities. In addition to that, the students presented both their process books and their workbooks, which detailed all of the work they had done since the beginning of the lesson. Both the quality of the mentoring and the eagerness to learn were on display.

Aspiring Designers Put Up A Grand Display

The world of fashion design is one that is always moving forward. Because it is such a broad area, it necessitates in-depth knowledge of the fashion industry in all of its myriad facets. JD Institute of Fashion Technology offers a global curriculum that helps in the overall growth of the learners. The institute also provides aspiring designers with a variety of courses that are specifically designed for them and assists them in making a career out of their passion for design.Aspiring Designers Put Up A Grand Display

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