Fabric Organiser – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018

fabric organiser
BangaloreInterior Design DepartmentJD Annual Design AwardsJDADA 2018

Fabric Organiser – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018

Fabric Organiser – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018

Product Name: Fabric Organiser
Designers: Selva Naresh, Selva Ranjith, Surabhi O.S (Group 48)

This product is basically meant for a retail shop for fabric displaying. From ages, we have seen people folding fabrics in a retail shop. In order to avoid time consumption as well as workmanship, the designers have come up with an idea of a product which involves a measuring tape mechanism roller in which fabrics (sarees, upholstery, dress materials) are enclosed. The rollers are fixed to a hexagonal box which has ball bearing mechanism fixed to both the sides so that the entire set (product  ) rotates for easy accessibility. On each side of the hexagonal box, there is an opening through which fabrics are pulled out. The mechanism is the inspiration taken from measuring tape as well as roller blinds. Materials used are plywood, acrylic and measuring tape mechanism. Presented by:  Selva Naresh, Selva Ranjith, Surabhi O.S (Group 48) from Interior Design Batch.

Fabric Organiser – CHANGE – JD ANNUAL DESIGN AWARDS 2018 | Designer: Selva Naresh, Selva Ranjith, Surabhi O.S | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)
Fabric Organiser – CHANGE – JD ANNUAL DESIGN AWARDS 2018 | Designer: Selva Naresh, Selva Ranjith, Surabhi O.S | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)Photo Courtesy : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

#JDInstituteofFashionTechnologyIndia #JDInstitute #Jediiians #JDAnnualDesignAwards #JDADA2018 #Sustainability #Ethical #innovation #Change #iamchange #revolutionize #Interiors #Productdesign #Fabricorganiser #measuringtapemechanism #shelvesforretailshops #Hexagonalbox #acrylic #ballbearingmechanism #rollerblinds #Selvanaresh #Selvaranjhit #Surabhio.s #nareshJDADA2018 #RanjitJDADA2018 #SurabhiJDADA2018

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