Floating Walls Store Visit – Batch of Diploma in Interior Design

Floating Walls Store Visit : Batch of Diploma in Interior Design
Industry Exposure - Bangalore

Floating Walls Store Visit – Batch of Diploma in Interior Design

Floating Walls Store Visit – Batch of Diploma in Interior Design

Floating wall is a chain of stores, famous for wallpapers, furnishing and window treatment. Furnishing is yet another minor aspect of Interior Design & major in Decoration. Students of JD Institute of Fashion Technology visited the Floating walls store and learned about window treatments & furnishing. The shop has a very good display of the different materials used for blinds & window shades. The students also got exposure towards different types of accessories used for window treatments like curtains rods, finials, rings, etc. The fabric used for upholstery and drapery, with various patterns & price range are available in the store. Latest various patterns of Wallpapers are also part of the store.


#iamworld #iamearth #futureorigins #sustainable #ethical #innovation #jdada2017 #jdannualdesignawards #jdinstituteoffashiontechnology  #jdinstitutebangalore  #fashion #design #runway #graduateshow
#interiordesign #jewellerydesign #fashionphotography #makeupartistry  #fashioncommunication
#floatingwalls #wallpapers #furnishing #windowtreatment #upholstery #drapery
#interiordesign #jewellerydesign #fashionphotography #makeupartistry  #fashioncommunication
#floatingwalls #wallpapers #furnishing #windowtreatment #upholstery #drapery


Floating Walls Store Visit – Batch of Diploma in Interior Design…!

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