JIGSAW – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018
25/06/2018 2019-11-15 12:50JIGSAW – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018

JIGSAW – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018
JIGSAW – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018
Award: Special Jury Award
Product Name: Jigsaw
Designers: BINDU.R, NATASHA.A.VINAY, SANJAY.T.S (Group 47)
Buying a multifunctional furniture is a smart choice in today’s time. Considering the space crunch issue at few places, the designers have come up with a multipurpose product – JIGSAW. Inspired by the love for puzzles and blocks games, the furniture is built with the same flexible interlocking system. The product can be used as a rug and later converted into an ottoman. No hard wares are used in the product which makes the product flexible and movable. Commercial plywood, PU thermocol and chenille fabric are used to create this innovative product. This furniture is user-friendly as well as sustainable. Presented by: BINDU.R, NATASHA.A.VINAY, SANJAY.T.S from interior design batch.
Photo Courtesy : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)
#JDInstituteofFashionTechnologyIndia #JDInstitute #Jediiians #JDAnnualDesignAwards #JDADA2018 #Sustainability #Ethical #innovation #Change #iamchange #revolutionize #Interiors #Productdesign #Ottoman #Rugs #Multipurposecarpet #Interlockingcarpet #Blocksandstructures #jigsaw #BinduR #BinduJDADA2018 #NatashaAVinay #NatashaJDADA2018 #SanjayTS #SanjayJDADA2018