Maison de la emanation – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018
26/06/2018 2019-11-16 6:07Maison de la emanation – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018

Maison de la emanation – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018
Maison de la emanation – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018
Conceptual Space: Maison de la emanation (House of expressions)
Designer: Darshan G Prasadh
Maison de la emanation is a conceptual space designed with a vision to convert a conventional centre into Music, Art and a Dance one. Inspired by a telecast show MAD, the idea is built with the same of doing the different and unusual style of art. The idea behind this design space is freedom of expression where even a person with Alzheimer or an autistic person can express the way they want. It provides freedom to express thoughts, emotions, and develop imagination and creativity. Series of activities will be performed which will help the children to become responsive, critical and appreciate. A place to have self-worth, identification and confidence. Materials such as plywood, oak veneer, gypsum board are used to build this design space. Presented by: Darshan G from interior design batch.
Photo Courtesy : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)
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