Multi-Functional Door – Change – JD Annual Design Awards

Multi Functional Door
BangaloreInterior Design DepartmentJD Annual Design AwardsJDADA 2018

Multi-Functional Door – Change – JD Annual Design Awards

Multi-Functional Door – Change – JD Annual Design Awards

Award: Most Imaginative Product
Product Name: Multifunctional door (Group 32)

The product Multifunctional door is designed with a vision to solve the space crunch issue. With the increase in the demand for a multipurpose product, this door is designed with the same concept. The beauty behind this product is that it can be used as a table as well as a foldable chair. This door can be used as a study unit in houses, offices, co-working spaces etc. As for the usage one has to just pull down a section of a door making it a table and the storage can be used for keeping books pen stand etc and pull out the chair from the side storage and the door has changed into a study unit. It helps in space planning and saving money. Presented by: DIKSHA, NEHA KUMARI AND PAYAL JAIN from Interior Design Batch.

Multi-Functional Door – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018 | Designer: DIKSHA, NEHAKUMARI AND PAYAL JAIN | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Multi-Functional Door – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018 | Designer: DIKSHA, NEHAKUMARI AND PAYAL JAIN | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Multi-Functional Door – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018 | Designer: DIKSHA, NEHAKUMARI AND PAYAL JAIN | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

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