Mystique – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017
31/07/2017 2020-03-12 8:59Mystique – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017

Mystique – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017
Mystique – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017
Product Name: Mystique
Students Name: Shreya Chopra and Vidushi
Mystique is a conceptual space that underlies the principle of magnetic field architecture. The magnetic field architecture is a modern technology and can be utilized optimally and effectively to make buildings safer. This advent technology can help structures withstand destructive forces of any natural calamities and can make the building float in air without being affected. Based on an ongoing research, carbon dioxide can be turned into sustainable concrete. Deriving from this idea, the space will be built with the newly produced concrete by capturing carbon dioxide from power plants. Adding a touch of modernity, 3D printing will be used for making the building sustainable and light in weight. The building design will consist of 4 large space galleries covered by angular concrete roofing with a courtyard in the mid space which connects the exteriors to the interiors. This courtyard will have a central skylight, the most important light source for the space. The project will be economically viable, environmentally sensitive and help in conservation and preservation of resources.
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Mystique – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017…!