Pursuing a PG in Fashion Communication

Pursuing a PG in Fashion Communication
Fashion Communication

Pursuing a PG in Fashion Communication

Fashion does not only refer to clothing; it is one of the most influential aspects of communication that conveys a lot about culture, society, and person. Fashion Communication as a subject can be a great choice for those who are interested in fashion trends and interested in creating or writing the stories behind them, and for those who want to do all this professionally, having received a Postgraduate (PG) degree. Time now to shed light on what PG in Fashion Communication is all about, its prospects in India and the job options it yields. 

 Defining a PG in Fashion Communication 

Pursuing a PG in Fashion Communication (3)

 A PG in Fashion Communication is a unique course that attempts to combine fashion, media and communication. It is centred on preparing students for the art of creating literate visuals and written documents that frame and propel the fashion sector. Fashion journalism courses are mostly advanced with general areas that may be taught being fashion journalism, branding, photography, styling, graphic designing, and digital media. 

 The fashion world, specifically fashion communication needs a platform where the youth from developed countries like India with its heritage in textiles and a burgeoning fashion sector. The fashion industry of the country is dynamically growing and there is a constant need for specialists who can enhance the transition between the designer and the end-user. When studying PG in Fashion Communication in India you get acquainted with such a variation of the fashion world that you can tell a story that can be interesting to both national and international audiences. 

 Focus Areas of a PG in Fashion Communication 

 Fashion Journalism: Writing Interest and Engaging Stories 

Pursuing a PG in Fashion Communication

 Being an essential component of fashion PR, fashion journalism is one of the mandatory components of the PG in Fashion Communication. This includes the mastery of the way of telling a story in times of magazines, newspapers, blogs, social networks, etc. Here you’ll discover how to tell a story, how to write and how to convey the spirit of fashion and dress sense. 

Fashion Branding and Communication: Creating Brand Image 

 But in today’s business environment, it is essential to establish a solid identity on the market. This course gives you knowledge of fashion branding and fashion branding messages and how it is disseminated to the customers. They will be able to know among other things how to come up with branding strategies, how to come up with the right combination of graphics to ensure that the identity of the brand is created appropriately and how to translate the ethos of the brand to the culture of the target society. 

 Photography and Styling: With this in mind, I proposed that exploring the technical, formal or even ‘official’ aspects of fashion might better reveal its innovative, imaginative or ‘creative’ potential if it were possible to look at the subject through another conceptual lens – that of visual language. 

It can be said that a picture is as valuable as a thousand words, nowhere can be this proved truer than in the fashion industry. Fashion photography and fashion styling are very important sub-disciplines of fashion communication and in this course, you will learn about the principles of fashion visual presentation. You will discover how people pose, the use of lighting, arrangement, and even retouching; how to make an outfit appear to say what you want it to say. 

 Exploring Fashion Communication Jobs 

Pursuing a PG in Fashion Communication (5)

 A PG in Fashion Communication allows you to explore several sectors of employment. The career paths are fashion journalism, branding and communications, window and display design, fashion photography, image consultants etc. The skills that one will learn in the program will also lead to careers in public relations marketing and advertising in fashion. 

Salary Expectations: That’s the question organisations and companies would love their employees, customers and clients to ask themselves about what they are worth or what they can earn as per the work they do. 

The pay that a fashion communication professional earns depends on his/her experience, geographical area of work, and position held. In India the employees may be paid or may be given a starting salary of fashion communication course of approximately INR 3-5 lakh per annum, depending on the seniority and competence, the salary can increase many folds. At a senior level, people in the position of brand managers or creative directors can expect to earn anything between INR 10-15 lakhs per year. 

 Best Fashion Communication courses to study in India 

Pursuing a PG in Fashion Communication

So, when selecting the PG course in Fashion Communication, the right school, the diverse courses, and the faculty members are the best deciding factors. Some of the Bachelor in Fashion Communication in India institutes offer all-around training and internships/placements in renowned fashion corporations as well as in media. 

 If you are a dress sense enthusiast and think, you would be apt in written and spoken language, then a PG in Fashion Communication would serve as the ideal platform. This course combines creativity and the ability to analyze, thus providing you with an opportunity to have an exciting and successful future as a fashion professional. As the category opens up and calls for more qualified professionals, now is the best opportunity to enroll and begin charting the future of fashion. 

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