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/*! elementor - v3.15.0 - 09-08-2023 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=".svg"]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} Designer: Niveditha Uday    Silenced Pirouette : A Tribute to Swan LakeSilenced Pirouette is Designed by Niveditha Uday, student of Diploma in Fashion Design at JD Institute Of Fashion Technology Cochin, for JD Design Awards 2023. Inspired by Tchaikovsky's iconic Swan Lake, Silenced Pirouette is an avant-garde collection that focuses on the Black Swan-

JD Institute at the Fabrics & Accessories Trade Show 2018 As the domestic apparel industry is expected to double its growth in the next 5 years, and with the organized retail sector witnessing growth and expansion continuously, various trade shows execute a significant role in meeting the ever-demanding sourcing needs of the fashion value chain. The Fabrics & Accessories Trade Show 2018 with its last