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Functionality Tag

Is interior design the Right Career Choice? Do you find decorating exciting? Is it something you would like to do for a living—go shopping for home décor items? Do you believe you would be delighted to work for someone else to renovate their home? If so, perhaps it's time to think about making a living off of interior design. Artform Design and Studio Making interior design

Mobile photography has evolved leaps and bounds in less than 15 years. Picture this:  It’s a clear night sky with twinkling stars that dot the pitch-black canvas. But you are far away from home in your quiet little campsite and you reach for your phone to capture the indelible beauty of the darkness that weighs around to you. You don’t need a high

Bathroom flooring needs attention and detail because you need to nail it right the first time or it is a tedious hassle to get through repairs and renovation that never fixes it right. In all other parts of the home, choosing floor options mainly comes down to appearance than function. You need your living room, dining room, bedroom, or office flooring to look great; functionality does not