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Indian Jewellery Tag

Fashion is the prevailing style during a particular time. When we talk about fashion, in general, we mostly mean clothing, shoes and other accessories like makeup and hair which are related to keeping oneself pretty. Fashion all over the world may or may not be the same. Countries like France, the USA, Italy, India and Japan and Spain are the forerunners and frontrunners

Indian Jewellery is known to be ornate, intricate and detailed. Jewellery has been an essential part of the Indian culture since thousands of years, and is worn as an adornment for celebrations and important occasions. Indian jewellery has its origins to the Indus Valley Civilization. Since then, India has come a long way. The jewellery has developed distinct and diverse styles that are

Jewellery designers create pieces of art which are more than objects of adornment that complements one’s look. It is a symbol of rich historical and cultural heritage, a statement of love and its preservation. The significance of jewellery in India has evolved into a complex system with sophisticated religious, social and economic symbolism. Being a jewellery designer in India is therefore not just