Adjustable Bathtub – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018

adustable bath tub
BangaloreInterior Design DepartmentJD Annual Design AwardsJDADA 2018

Adjustable Bathtub – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018

Adjustable Bathtub – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018

Product Name: Adjustable Bathtub
Designers: Divya singh.J.Mokhasi, Swathi Murali, Mithali Jain (Group77)
Most of the middle-class clients face a problem, when they desire to have a bathtub but refrain from it because of the space constrictions. Designers have used this as an opportunity to come up with a unique solution, which is a product that can be adjusted from a bathtub to a shower tray through adjustable mechanisms. This design enables clients to have a bathtub even when they do not have space for the conventional ones. The skeleton of the product is made up of BWP Plywood. Corian Material was used for finishing the product. Rubber beading or silica strips are inserted to prevent the leakage of water and washers for the height adjustment.

Presented by: Divya singh.J.Mokhasi, Swathi Murali, Mithali Jain (Group77) from Interior Design Batch.

Adjustable Bathtub – CHANGE – JD ANNUAL DESIGN AWARDS 2018 | Designer: Divya singh.J.Mokhasi, Swathi Murali, Mithali Jain | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)Adjustable Bathtub – CHANGE – JD ANNUAL DESIGN AWARDS 2018 | Designer: Divya singh.J.Mokhasi, Swathi Murali, Mithali Jain | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Photo Courtesy : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

#JDInstituteofFashionTechnologyIndia #JDInstitute #Jediiians #JDAnnualDesignAwards #JDADA2018 #Sustainability #Ethical #innovation #Change #iamchange #revolutionize #Interiors #Productdesign #Adjustablebathtub #Bathtub #showertray #corianmaterial #rubberbeading #silicastrips # Divyasingh.J.Mokhasi #DivyaJDADA2018 #Swathimurali #SwathiJDADA2018  #Mithalijain #MithaliJDADA2018

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