All you need to know about Fashion Journalism

All you need to know about Fashion Journalism
Fashion Design

All you need to know about Fashion Journalism

Fashion Journalism, a perfect cocktail of Fashion, research, stats and writing. Fashion sense and eye for detail is good enough to be an amateur fashionista but articulating fashion and making sense of the flamboyant world of fashion to the general populace is quite a behemothic task. If you wish to make a career out of it. Well, you need to know what goes into the first few baby steps into an industry that is valued to be approximately $1.9 trillion.

Well, to start with who hasn’t watched the ‘Devil wears Prada’? Did you feel the cold, menacing glower of Miranda Priestly aka Meryl Streep pierce through the screen judging your non-descript outfit you decided to pick out that day? She masterfully portrayed the true behemoth of the fashion world, Anna Wintour. Well, fear not. You don’t need to bring coffees and put away jackets for the best part of your life. Your aspirations to become a fashion journalist needs a keen eye for fashion trends, the right amount of knowledge in stats to foresee the ebb and flow of fashion in the world and most importantly a flair for language and articulation. Here are 7 essential steps for you to become a high-flying fashion journalist.


You need a degree. Qualification does increase your chances at landing your dream job as a fashion journalist. A degree in fashion communication or journalism will give you a head start in this trillion-dollar industry that you wish to be a part of. The education does more than just give you the right contacts and platform to showcase your journalistic skills but also, hands you the right tools to push your learning curve to handle multi-platform writing.

All you need to know about Fashion Journalism

The baby steps

You can’t land an internship at one of the mega-magazines on day one. But you can work your way up the ladder, step-by-step. Gain experience. It doesn’t have to be a newspaper with a fashion column or an exclusive fashion magazine. Multi-platform writing like social media marketing, fashion blogs and any mode of communication platform would do. Work counts no matter what the platform is or the scale of business. Learning, progressing and showcasing your skills gains more value.

Compile your work 

Take your time and build a strong portfolio that showcases your best work in the fashion department. It doesn’t have to be “Girl in the green scarf” that becomes an overnight sensation. Begin building a strong foundation of work with commendable inclusions and showcase the best of your work. The right skills always find a way to thrive in the market and fashion world appreciates a good flair for creativity.All you need to know about Fashion Journalism

Choose a field 

The fashion journalism isn’t just about writing pieces for a fashion magazine or a fashion column in a newspaper. Fashion editor, communication manager, fashion director, stylist and freelance fashion writer, social media marketing manager are some of the career choices available to fashion journalism aspirants. Take your time, do your research and plan ahead to flourish in your chosen career path as a fashion journalist.

Earn your skill set

Work experience is one of the most crucial aspects of any career job. Invest heavily in learning, developing and honing your skills. Every job looks easy on the job description of a LinkedIn page but it never is the same case once you are on ground. Learn the trade and earn your skill set before knocking on the doors of your dream job. You will still have limitless skills you will need to develop on the fly but a strong and sound foundation always helps.All you need to know about Fashion Journalism



The lady luck is a fickle one! If she doesn’t turn your way the first time, do not give up. Persist. Keep your charm on until all the luck turns up your way in spades. Becoming a fashion journalist and establishing yourself in the world of fashion is no mean task. It demands learning, effort, skills, creativity and mostly importantly persistence.


The right place and the right time with the right people. These 3 little things are what makes you reach for the stars and believe in your dreams. An opportunity to bring these 3 major factors together for a career is no mean feat. Your skills need the right platform and the right people to encourage you to step forth and conquer the world of fashion. Find the perfect platform to make it happen and look who once read this blog, a fashion journalist! All you need to know about Fashion Journalism

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