Curls: What Are The Different Types? 

Curls What Are The Different Types
Hair Styling

Curls: What Are The Different Types? 

Curls are the most desired hairstyle for one common reason, that is the out of the box and lucious look that it results in. Not every curly hair is the same all the time. But when it comes to styling wavy or straight hair with the help or hairstyling tools to make them curly for a particular occasion, then it falls under a completely different concept.

Natural curls cannot be predicted as to how they may look after the end of the drying process, whereas when styling the hair using a flat iron or a curling iron, one can determine the possible outcome of the hair result. But even in natural curls, there are various types.

1.Wavy Curls
Curls What Are The Different Types
Wavy hair is neither extremely curly nor completely straight

In this type of curls, the hair isn’t completely curly nor is it straight. It comes in between the two types, the wavy curl. The wavy hair type looks like little waves that hit the seashore or similar to the letter ‘S’. This hair curl isn’t uniform throughout. Sometimes, the hair may be straight at the scalp and wavy at the bottom or wavy in certain areas and straight in some.  Wavy hair curls are easily dehydrated, damaged and left looking dead if not taken care of properly. For the wavy hair type, it is important to use light-weight hair products with an immense amount of moisturizing ingredients to keep the hair looking glamorous and defined.

2. Loose Curls
Curls What Are The Different Types
Loose curls need moisture to keep the looking luscious

The name of this type of curl is quite self explanatory. These curls are consistent throughout and look like the letter ‘S’. They are the same from the roots of the hair to the ends, with the same definition of curls. When this curl type isn’t taken care of properly can cause immense hair damage and frizziness leaving the hair looking unpleasant.

3. Tight Curls
Curls What Are The Different Types
Tight curls are consistent from the root to the tips of that hair

As the name suggests, these curls are compact. They are similar to looking like a coil, but are still to an extent loose compared to the coiled curls. This curl type requires utmost care, as if not given the right amount of moisture and care, can look very unpleasant and dead. The curls are much more finer and lighter than the previously stated curly hair types.

4. Coily Curls
Curls What Are The Different Types
Coily curls are the thickest form of curls that require immense amount of moisture

The last, but most rare type of curl is the coily curl. This curl type is similar to that of an afro and when observed carefully, looks like the angular letter ‘Z’. These curls require the most amount of moisture, as the hair type is much thicker than the other curl types. Thus, coily curls require protective moisture as that will seap and keep the hair from the scalp to the root moisturized completely.

Curls are beautiful, when identified and taken care of properly. Every curl is unique, therefore having a curly hair routine that suits the requirements to achieve the most luscious curls is crucial. Among one of the best design institutes in Karnataka is JD Institute Of Fashion Technology that not only covers the design and fashion perspective, but also educates the students on hairstyle and makeup artistry, where hairstyles are taught from the most basic steps upto the most advanced techniques.

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