International Yoga Day-First Yoga Day Celebration at JD Goa

International Yoga Day-First Yoga Day Celebration at JD Goa
Events - Goa

International Yoga Day-First Yoga Day Celebration at JD Goa

First Yoga day is celebrated at JD Institute of Fashion Technology and JD School of Design Goa on 21 June, International Yoga Day. The yoga session was conducted in the morning in the campus hall and was a part of the NSS activity. We believe yoga and meditation can connect you to the power of nature.
First International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21 June 2015. Yoga originated in India, and we are the father of Yoga in the world.

Yoga brings flexibility, stability, and calmness to your mind and body. It changes your health and takes you a step ahead towards happiness. JD Institute & JDSD believes that to create and design, one must have an open, calm mind and mental stamina to come up with creative and unique work. As an educational institution, our primary responsibility is to help grow our students in a highly positive and healthy manner.

The yoga day celebration begins with an inaugural function with light lamping by Resource eminent of Yoga Sau Pooja Mangeshkar, Principal of the institute, Shri Umesh naik, Vice-principal Dr. Shwetha Mariyappanavar, South Zone director Sandra Sequeira, Faculty coordinator of NSS Group Ms. Nikita Fatarpekar, student representative, the general secretary Dionne Dias.International Yoga Day-First Yoga Day Celebration at JD Goa

The resource eminent Sau Pooja Mangeshkar lighting the lamp.

The principal welcomed all and presented her thoughts on the importance of Yoga in life. Also, she explained how asanas could help maintain sound mental Arpitath. Aroita Goel, 3rd year ID Class, representative introduced the guest, and after the yoga session, she was honored by a momento given to the guest.International Yoga Day-First Yoga Day Celebration at JD Goa

Principal Umesh Naik gave a memento to the guest.

This first yoga session at JD Institute & JDSD, led by the resource faculty, begins with sadilaja and some loosening practices of the neck, shoulders, trunk, and knees. After the warming-up session, some standing yoga asanas were performed, such as tadasana, vrikshasana, pada- hastanna, Ardha chakrasana, and trikonasana.International Yoga Day-First Yoga Day Celebration at JD Goa

Resource faculty, Yoga teacher Pooja Mangeshkar teaching different asanas.

Students & Staff at JD Institute & JDSD also performed some sitting postures such as bhadrasana, vajrasana, veerasana, ushtraasan, shashankasana, uttana Mandukasana, and marichyasana.
To complete the session lying postures like prone lying postures – makarasana, bhujangasana, and shalabhasana asanas were also practiced.International Yoga Day-First Yoga Day Celebration at JD Goa

Students carrying out different asanas

The resource faculty of JD Institute of Fashion Technology and JDSD also explained the importance of asanas for the body and the pranayama for the mind. Moreover, some pranayama activities and meditative prayers were also performed at the session.
Snacks were provided with a unique tea called Kasai with meditative leaves and masalas and fruits. The event was being hosted by Denisha, sports secretary.International Yoga Day-First Yoga Day Celebration at JD Goa

A group photograph was being taken with dignitaries and the students.

It was the first yoga day, and JD Institute of Fashion Technology and JD School of Design is looking forward to conducting much more yoga sessions to maintain the mental and physical well-being of faculty, students, and staff in the institution.

Words by
Ms.Nikita – Faculty (JD-GOA)

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