National Parents’ Day: Enfolding all kinds of parenthood 

National Parents’ Day: Enfolding all kinds of parenthood

National Parents’ Day: Enfolding all kinds of parenthood 

National Parents’ Day – A day to pay homage to the purpose of our birth and the course of our life. But is a single day enough to show our gratitude to the souls who make our prosperity the purpose of their lives?

National Parents’ Day: Enfolding all kinds of parenthood
National Parents’ Day

The definition of parenthood has transformed in the past few decades, thanks to acceptance. Indian parents especially have come miles ahead in altering the perception of a parent. What comes to your mind when you hear the word parents? A mother, father and children. Fortunately, that is not the case anymore.

This National Parents’ Day, let’s take a look at how the definition of parents has changed over the years:

Traditional parents 

A father, mother and their children sitting together on a dining table, laughing their worries away as they dive into their dinner. This continues to be a dream for thousands of people. A traditional happy family is the rock support every person wants. If you have got it, you are lucky!

National Parents’ Day: Enfolding all kinds of parenthood
Traditional parents
Single parent

Who is a single parent? Is he/she any less than other parents? Single-parent families in India are growing to be accepted in the so-called mainstream society. A single parent bears the responsibility of two-parent figures. While there continue to be shallow-minded people who look at single parent and their children with enlarged eyes, single parents continue to do their marvelous work better than traditional parents.

National Parents’ Day: Enfolding all kinds of parenthood
Single parent
Parent figure

Who is that one person you go to share your sorrows, insecurities and worries with other than your parents? While grandparents are a significant parent figure for a large number of people, siblings are them for others.

National Parents’ Day: Enfolding all kinds of parenthood
Parent figure
Pet parents 

Pet parents are perhaps the precise definition of modern parents. If bearing children is not a cup of tea for some people, pets seem to fill the place of children for some people. Pets are being treated with more care and affection as equal to that of a child. Pet parents have grown to become incredibly popular in the world of parenthood.

National Parents’ Day: Enfolding all kinds of parenthood
Pet parents

This National Parents’ Day, it is time we begin to embrace all kinds of parenthood without trying to modify it in any way. JD Institute of Fashion Technology wishes a Happy Parents’ Day to all.

National Parents’ Day: Enfolding all kinds of parenthood

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