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Any space leaves a mark on us. When we enter any space, we tend to notice the nitty gritty of it and try to replicate a part of it in our comfort place. Interior Design is a domain of constant change and with every passing year the trends change. The Interior Design trend  over the past few years has moved on to a

As the world is changing, health aspects both physical and mental have become important. In today’s time we spend a considerable amount of time inside the workspace. JD Design Awards 2022 is a humongous platform that channelises the designers’ mind and brings forth solutions by the means of design. With the advent of COVID-19 the Work From Home culture bloomed, but as we are

A home office has grown to become man’s 2021 solution to his 2020 problems of Covid-19, social distancing, lockdown and work from home. Working at home is rapidly increasing as a counter strike to the problem the world is reeling in. Interior design has expanded its frontiers to meet the evolving demands of a home office. A home office today has to serve comfort,

Office interior design trends in 2021 are a bunch of trends that have probably never seen before. The covid 19 pandemic the world is crippling under changed the dynamics of office interior design. The corporate world has changed its perception when it comes to interior design in commercial and office spaces. Office spaces are no more looking into just luxury and elegance in interior