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Biophilic Design Tag

Fashion Design is an intensive course that prepares the aspirant to go through multiple challenges and hone their skills that may stay latent for many. It is an interactive course that requires constant research of the market, the demand of the consumers and the touch of individuality and creativity. JD Institute of Fashion Technology caters to the design field and through its various courses

Spring is a season of revitalized energy. It brings us the beauty of nature with flowers and greenery at its best. It is synonymous to the idea of rebirth, rejuvenate, renew, resurrection and regrow. And the entire symbolism of spring deeply influences the fashion industry. In the fashion world, spring brings us easy breezy styles that are high on colours and prints- inspiring

Biophilic interior design is a form of interior design in which interior designers take inspiration from nature for interiors and architecture. Biophilic interior design focuses more on creating a positive impact on people’s well-being than just creating aesthetically pleasing interiors. Before we get a deeper understanding of biophilic interior design, let’s comprehend what biophilia is. Biophilia is an inherent inclination of individuals to associate

Biophilic design in an innovative way to create natural and comfortable environments for us to live, work and learn. It unconsciously brings the great outdoors into our constructed world by consciously including a nature oriented interior design. Interior Design begins with human experience. It considers the physical, mental and emotional needs of people and uses human centred approaches to address how we live