Types of psoriasis: Chronic skin condition
22/09/2021 2021-09-22 11:36Types of psoriasis: Chronic skin condition
Multiple types of psoriasis have grown to become a matter of concern across the world. Psoriasis has disrupted the lives of millions of people worldwide with no solution whatsoever. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition causing red, itchy scaly patches habitually on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp.

While the root cause of psoriasis remains unknown, the chronic skin condition causes the skin cells to grow rapidly resulting in scaling on the layer of skin. In normal cases, the skin cells grow deep in the skin and slowly rise to the surface of the skin. These skin cells eventually fall off and this entire life cycle of the skin lasts for approximately one month.

On the other hand, in people with psoriasis, the production of skin cells is so rapid that there is no time left for the cells to fall off. This results in the whitish-silver scales developing into thick red patches. In severe cases, these red patches crack and bleed.
In this blog, we discuss the various types of psoriasis affecting the skincare of millions of people:
1. Scalp psoriasis: Scalp psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis found in people. The origin of this skin disorder like other types of psoriasis remains unidentified. Although scalp psoriasis doesn’t cause hair fall, picking at the itchy spots, scratching it very hard leads to loss of hair due to harsh treatment.

2. Plaque psoriasis: This is the most common type of psoriasis affecting millions of people. Plaque psoriasis causes inflamed, red skin covered with a silver or whitish scaly layer. With the chances of appearing anywhere on the body, plaque psoriasis often pops up on knees, lower back and elbows.

3. Inverse psoriasis: Inverse psoriasis typically affects skin folds or the areas where the skin rubs against skin. Inverse psoriasis is typically found under the arms, under womens’ breasts, inner thigh area or groin.

4. Nail psoriasis: A large population of people with psoriasis finds changes with nails. People with nail psoriasis find their nails turn white, yellow or brown. Some nails might even have small red or white spots underneath.

Types of psoriasis found in people across the world differ based on the functioning of the immune system. With no solution to permanently cure, psoriasis remains to be a skin disorder that can only be brought down to a minimum level through constant care and precautions. Lifestyle and diet changes have proved effective in reducing the levels of psoriasis in the body. JD Institute of Fashion Technology is a distinguished design institute in South India offering a Diploma in Makeup and Hairstyle Artistry – 6 Weeks during the course of which artistic individuals are trained to learn and practice makeup and hair professionally.