Exhibit by Aspiring Jediiians: Day 1, The Hive Heart!

Exhibit by Aspiring Jediiians: Day 1, The Hive Heart!
Events - Bangalore

Exhibit by Aspiring Jediiians: Day 1, The Hive Heart!

Our students pursuing their Bachelors of Science in Fashion and Apparel Design kindle aspiration in their fellow college mates by putting up a grand aspiring exhibit for three days on various themes that showcased their best works in modules of fashion illustration and pattern drafting, garment construction. This exhibit was held for three consecutive days, with themes that synced with their work and the venue was decorated according to the theme chosen by our jediiians. The display would not have been the grand success that it was, if not for the mentors who showed constant support and encouragement towards their pupils.

Our Aspiring jediiians have always worked at achieving and showcasing their best work, after every module or semester that they complete with the support and guidance of their mentors. The Mega Exhibit that was organized by our Jediiians pursuing their Bachelors of Science in Fashion Apparel Design, batch of 2020 took the bar higher by setting a theme for each day of the exhibit. The three day exhibit was organized by the three batches (A, B and C) with themes – The Hive Heart, The Carnivana and The Sea-Osmos. 

The Hive Heart

“The theme Hive Heart shows us that humans are born into the world as rational and intelligent beings, and not stand idly by or gaze with listless indifference on even the meanest of our fellow creatures if it is in our power to help them without detriment to ourselves or our connections; displayed with a neutral, calm and cozy ambience.” – Jediiians of Bachelors of Science or BSc. Fashion and Apparel Design. 

Exhibit by Aspiring Jediiians: Day 1, The Hive Heart!

Our jediiians pursuing their Bachelor’s of Science in Fashion and Apparel Design from batch 2021 ‘A’ beautifully exhibited their works around the theme of ‘The Hive Heart’ which they have so well defined above. In this exhibit, they showcased all their work that they had completed during the first semester of their course. The modules that were taught were – Basic Of Fashion Terminologies, Fashion Classifications, Fashion Industry, Color Theories, Human Anatomy, Grid & Perspective Drawing Techniques, Fashion Figure Drawings, Rendering Techniques, Color Theories And Color Psychology.  Let’s look at an overview and importance of the three main subjects that cover all of the above as sub-categories within them: 

1. Basics Of Fashion Terminologies

Exhibit by Aspiring Jediiians: Day 1, The Hive Heart!

Every stream of education has its own set of terminologies, similarly in fashion there are terminologies that are important for a designer to know and understand in order to communicate the accurate information to the professionals of the same field. As first semester students, our jediiians had quickly grasped these fashion terminologies and were fluent when explaining their work at the exhibit to their fellow college mates as well as their professors. This subject is the foundation of every aspirant in the field of fashion designing. In this module, the students were guided by their module mentors who took the liberty to impart their knowledge on using these terminologies in their vocabulary. 

2. Fashion Classifications

Exhibit by Aspiring Jediiians: Day 1, The Hive Heart!

Fashion is classified to encompass the various identification of clothing items in an image. It is one of the most important subjects to be learnt and skilled in order to classify every garment that is created in order to convey to the potential customer the use of the wear. Fashion is classified into multiple categories, a few of them are:

  • Vintage Fashion Style, which is all about old classy looks with exquisiteness;
  • Artsy Fashion Style, which is one style trend that has always caught the attention of fashion enthusiast and designers; 
  • Casual Fashion Style, that most people wear on a day to day basis for meetups and hangouts with friends and loved ones;
  • Grunge Style Clothing, Is the type that is a result of grunge music which originated in the 1980s;
  • Chic Fashion Style, which is an elegant and class style that minuses on all vibrant colors, and adds finesse with neutrals and pastels. 

Exhibit by Aspiring Jediiians: Day 1, The Hive Heart!

There are more fashion classifications that are mandatory to be taught to aspirants in the field of fashion to understand where they want and can fit in their work that will also guide the people to choose their clothing needs accordingly. These subjects are taught in a well structured educational system that will provide the best to every student’s ability in their creative thinking.  It is through this module that our jediiians were able to come up with various designs to curate in their pattern making and garment construction module. 

Exhibit by Aspiring Jediiians: Day 1, The Hive Heart!
Exhibit by Aspiring Jediiians: Day 1, The Hive Heart!

Along with these two subjects/modules, the students were taught all that they need to know in order to step into the design process when it comes to designing a collection of garments. Through this exhibit that our aspiring jediiians displayed, it showcased the dedication of the students as well as the mentors who were in charge of these modules – Ms. Yassa Zubair, Ms. Heena Khanum, Ms. Kavyashree, Mr. Joyal George and Mr. Srinivas Prasad.Exhibit by Aspiring Jediiians: Day 1, The Hive Heart!

The exhibit by aspiring jediians with their theme on day one -‘The Heart Hive’ – have showcased immense dedication to their education, work, interest and passion of the industry of Fashion. At JD institute, we aim to bring to every student an opportunity to showcase their work after every module and semester that brings motivation and encouragement to each one of them to work harder and better the next time. Our students of Bachelors of Science in Fashion and Apparel Design of batch 2021 A, have definitely set the bar high for their fellow college mates.

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