5 Interior Design Mistakes NOT to Commit while Designing Bedroom Interiors
25/11/2021 2023-10-20 12:575 Interior Design Mistakes NOT to Commit while Designing Bedroom Interiors
Interior design mistakes are a part of every interior design process. However, the magnitude of the mistake determines the level of discomfort and the longevity of the interior design process altogether. Hence, it is imperative to check the perfection list when it comes to designing interiors.
Now think of bedrooms. The bedroom is of great importance to every individual. This is a private space nobody wants to give up on. Every little detail is of utmost importance. From the bed to the color of drapes, everything counts. In the same context, the interior design of the bedroom forms the foundation for the above-mentioned aspects.

In this blog, we discuss some of the interior design mistakes that one is ought not to commit while designing the interiors of a bedroom. While this information is suitable for interior designers, homeowners can also use these suggestions to understand what is good and what is not for their bedroom.
1. Wrong measurement of the bedroom
This is a fundamental interior design mistake that can cost you all the time, money and effort you have put into designing the interiors of the bedroom. Measuring the bedroom ‘approximately’ is every individual’s enemy. Get down to business and use a measuring taupe to exactly measure the dimensions of the bedroom. This smoothens the remaining steps of the process incredibly simple and easygoing.

2. DO NOT mess with the bed!
A bed is perhaps the focal point in a bedroom. Unless you want to bring any other element of the bedroom to the focus, the bed takes that position by default. In this aspect, purchasing a bed that fits well within the dimensions, look and feel of the bedroom is primary. The size of the bed matters more than one can imagine. While placing an insanely big bed might make the bedroom congested, a tiny bed might not even serve the purpose of providing comfort. Hence, think twice before choosing a bed.

3. Furniture = Comfort
There is no doubt that furniture equals comfort in a bedroom. From wardrobes to armchairs, the size, shape and color of the furniture chosen again enhance or wipe out the comfort aspect from the bedroom altogether. For instance, selecting a traditional wardrobe might not be the best choice for a compact bedroom. These can be replaced with a sliding wardrobe. This even opens the space for smooth movement.

4. NOT having enough plug points and in the right places
This comes off to be one of the modern interior design mistakes. With working from home and scrolling through Instagram till late midnight having become the new normal, your electronic devices need to be fueled with battery while making sure you don’t miss them. Plug points are the answer. Having scanty plug points and at unnecessary points in the bedroom is an unnecessary interior design mistake one should not commit.

5. Insufficient natural light
The significance of natural light in interiors need not be mentioned twice. This goes without saying even in the interiors of a bedroom. This interior design mistake can cost the look, style and experience of life in the bedroom altogether. Interior design mistakes in this element include covering the windows with massive furniture like wardrobes or even as basic as not having sufficient windows to enable natural light.

Interior design mistakes are bound to happen not implausible to eliminate. With the right assistance of interior designers, this barricade can be skipped altogether. Hence, the key is to choose potential interior designers from the lot. If you are looking to pursue masters in interior design, check out one of the best interior design colleges in South India.