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Body odor is a hush-hush topic and people usually avoid talking about it. Everyone has a distinct natural body odor and sometimes it turns not a bad one due to certain factors depending on the person’s diet, gender, health, and medication. Nevertheless, body odor can be taken care of. Here are a few things you need to know about body odor and how it

Curly hair is gorgeous and unique but only someone who has natural curls can relate to how unruly they can get most of the time. If not maintained properly, curly tresses tend to go through hair fall, tangled hair, dryness and may lose luster. They are exceptionally unique but you need to treat and work extra to maintain the curls. Dos and don’ts for curly

How to make a small room look bigger? This is undoubtedly a sure-shot question every client has for his interior designers. Whether you are a single person living in the bedroom or you are a family of two or three, nobody likes a small room. However, sometimes you have no option but to live in a small room. We might not be able to