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Designers: Bhavana A Teli and Prerana N Angadi

Tissage: A Tribute to Handloom Weavers

Tissage was designed by Bhavana A Teli and Prerana N Angadi, students of BSc. in Fashion and Apparel Design at JD School of Design powered by JD Institute of Fashion Technology for JD Design Awards 2023.  The collection paid tribute to the handloom weavers. 

In order to honour handloom weavers for reverently utilizing the beautiful craftsmanship that goes into every single thread, the collection, Tissage discusses sustainably woven textiles on handlooms using every available medium. The intention of the young fashion designers is to young people about the importance of handloom weavers and clothing by doing this. According to them the best method to promote sustainability is to show that re-purposed and up-cycled materials and products can be just as attractive as their original equivalents. Support must be extended to local handloom weavers, artists, and artisans by purchasing items from the Young Women Street Wear Autumn Winter 2023–24 collections and collaborating with the reCharkha brand on up-cycled plastic handwoven bags to advance slow fashion.

The aspiring fashion designers collaborated with Koppal, Karnataka-based handloom weavers Veerappa Gondabal to produce handwoven fabric from old surplus sarees. The handloom sector is the ideal illustration of sustainable production. Installation, fabric selection, dyeing, and weaving are all sustainable aspects of the handloom process. In rural and semi-rural areas of our country, the handloom industry is a significant source of livelihood and a representation of the diverse and rich cultural history of our nation.

The collection won Evergreen Design Collection Award.

Philosophy of Time, was designed by Tanya Gupta, student of Advanced Diploma in Fashion Design 2020 from JD Institute of Fashion Technology, Bengaluru for JD Design Awards. The autumn-winter couture collection was aimed to represent time from a conceptual perspective. 

Time is a force that shapes our lives in ways – both subtle and profound. It flows like a river, its currents carrying us along, while its structure provides a framework of our existence. Time is both historical and futuristic, a tapestry woven from the threads of our past and the hopes of our future. It is a valuable commodity, one that we must spend wisely, for once it is gone, it can never be regained. Yet, despite its elusiveness, time is also a tangible thing, something we can see and touch.

Philosophy of Time is represented through the use of silhouettes and embellishments, the young fashion designers captured the essence of time, expressing its philosophical aspects in a way that is both beautiful and profound. Time is that one word that combines the past, present, and future, a force that shapes our lives and reminds us to cherish every moment. Through their collection the designers have showcased the mysterious force of time that governs our lives, and celebrates the beauty and wonder of its passing.

The collection was the recipient of the Immaculate Collection Award.

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JDDA 2023

Photography Credits: Prem Pandora

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Scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec. Vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi. Congue eu consequat ac felis donec et odio. Quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse in est ante. Porttitor massa id neque aliquam vestibulum morbi. In est ante in nibh mauris cursus. Massa eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque. At auctor urna nunc id. A erat nam at lectus urna. Sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet bibendum. Sit amet mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt. In nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae. Morbi quis commodo odio aenean sed adipiscing diam donec.

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