The Look Book JD X LCF: Fall Release

STA Look Book 03 03 2020 1 770x400
Imagination Journey

The Look Book JD X LCF: Fall Release

The JD Imagination Journey provides a sense of adventure, new experiences and a window into international fashion, experienced through a carefully curated itinerary for the students across all the departments who take on the trip to one of the world’s fashion capitals – London. Apart from observing and taking in the sights of the beautiful destination the students undergo an intensive fashion styling course at the prestigious London College of Fashion due to its collaboration with JD Institute of Fashion Technology, Bangalore. The students are guided by the in-house tutor at LCF, Ms. Kerry Pannagio who through her years of experience provides a professional perspective and yet allows the students creativity take flight.

The finale of the course included an editorial styling shoot to test the students and their styling prowess. The students were given liberty to put the lessons learnt, analysis of the fashion observed during outings and their personal aesthetic to create some well-thought of looks.

Styled by some of our talented students, the Fall edition look book includes some fall outfit ideas and gives a peak into the colours, styles and how to pair them with the coolest accessories.

The Look Book JD X LCF: Fall Release

Street Chic by Priyanka Girish provides a spin on streetwear through a stylish yet rugged layered look. Black is the dominant colour in the look which is offseted by white and a pop of colour by the red heeled boots.

The Look Book JD X LCF: Fall Release

Classic Values, Modern Vibes by Anita Jindal is modern yet retains a classic style through the English colour palette and an addition of colour through the addition of the red scarf.

The Look Book JD X LCF: Fall Release

Delicate Mystery by Saipuja Nandakumar’s layered look is a play of romance and mystery. The black, grey and white looks is cleverly paired with colour red and a teal button down.

The Look Book JD X LCF: Fall Release

1960s Renovated by Sushmita V is an ode to the 60s and women empowerment. It is classic, bold and maintains an air of sophistication.

The Look Book JD X LCF: Fall Release

Messy Vintage by Yasha Bhandari is a carefully crafted effortless look that presents a vintage vibe. It is easy, breezy and can be worn to many a soirees without nonchalance.

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