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March 2023

Fashion is the prevailing style during a particular time. When we talk about fashion, in general, we mostly mean clothing, shoes and other accessories like makeup and hair which are related to keeping oneself pretty. Fashion all over the world may or may not be the same. Countries like France, the USA, Italy, India and Japan and Spain are the forerunners and frontrunners

A duplex home  is a paradise for everyone. Everyone aspires to have a duplex home of their own at some point in their lives. The reasons are abounding for this. A duplex home in India is considered the highest standard of living. A duplex home in India represents comfort, luxury and most of all, healthy living.  However, the truth be told, the interior design of

Gemology or, which is also known as gemmology is the science of dealing with natural and artificial gemstone materials.  It falls under the branch of mineralogy. It is the science of studying, cutting, and valuing precious stones, but the essential part of gemology is to identify the gemstones, which is done by a gemologist. This role involves examination of gemstones using microscopes, computerized tools, and